Fujiya Iron Works Co., Ltd.
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Fujiya Iron Works Co., Ltd.

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 Fujiya Iron Works Co., Ltd.
 ¡Head Office
  3-3-4-14 Tonden,
  Kita-ku, Sapporo
  Tel.: +81-11-771-5077
 ¡Ishikari Plant
  3-748 Shinkonishi,
  Tel.: +81-133-73-9571
  Fax: +81-133-73-9563
bCompany profile@bPresidentfs messageb Access map b
Fujiya Iron Works Co., Ltd. History
|@Company history@|

@@Jan. 1955:

Founded as Fujiya (“¡‰®) Iron Works Co., Ltd. in Kita 3, Higashi 15, Higashi-ku, Sapporo.
Began to manufacture boiler pressure vessels.President: Makoto Nakamura; paid-in capital: 2.5 million yen

@@Nov. 1958: Riichi Matsumiya appointed as new president.
@@May. 1964: Moved to Hassamu Tekkodanchi and began to manufacture cranes, pressure vessels, chemical equipment and industrial machinery.
@@Oct. 1964: Paid-in capital increased to 5 million yen.
@@May. 1966: Paid-in capital increased to 7.5 million yen.
@@Dec. 1967: Merged with Nitto Sangyo Co., Ltd. and advanced to gas business (designated by Hokkaido Gas Co., Ltd.).@New capital: 14.5 million yen
@@Sep. 1971: Company name changed to Fujiya (•xŽm‰®) Iron Works Co., Ltd.
@@Nov. 1975: Gas piping section spun off as a new company (Fujiya Iron Construction Co., Ltd.).
@@Apr. 1979: Mitsuo Sato appointed as new president.
@@Mar. 1980: Paid-in capital increased to 35 million yen.
@@Dec. 1987: Moved plant to the Ishikari Bay New Port Area.
@@Sep. 2001: Kunihiko Matsumiya appointed as new president.
@@Jun. 2008: Yuichi Matsumiya appointed as new president following the passing of the previous president.
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|@@Organization chart@@|

Fujiya Iron Works Co., Ltd. Organization chart